Lorna and Bill’s wedding took place on 24th February 2016 at Cliff at Lyons, Celbridge Co. Kildare. We started at Lorna’s parents house, where she had her preparations. Marcin met Bill at the church to take photos with his friends and family as well. Lorna traveled  to the church in an great vintage Volkswagen mini bus. The ceremony was beautiful and emotional. Everybody commenting on an amazing dress of Lorna and her wedding bouquet made of Harry Poter’s book pages.  Then we went to the hotel, where everybody was charmed by fantastic venue room decorations. It appear that bride and groom were a big fans of a Lord of the Rings books and that was the main theme of the wedding.  After  family photos we went for a walk with the newlyweds and took some great shoots on the hotel grounds. We were blessed with warm and gently February sun. What an inspiring wedding!
Here is quick sneak preview:

And here you can see some of the photographs: